
terça-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2018

O álbum de divórcio que você não escutou

Site da revista Glamour faz uma review sobre o MDNA após seis anos de seu lançamento como um excelente disco de divórcio que não recebeu atenção.

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Madonna Released the Ultimate Divorce Album 6 Years Ago—You Just Didn't Listen

"It wasn't always perfect, but it wasn't always bad,” Madonna sings on "Best Friend," a haunting slow jam from her 2012 album MDNA. The song is technically available only on the deluxe version of the record, but that doesn't make it any less potent. In fact, of all the tracks on MDNA presumably about Madonna's divorce from Guy Ritchie—and there are several —"Best Friend" is the most devastating. Not since Ray of Light has Madonna been this transparent in her work. "Your picture's off my wall, but I'm still waiting for your call," she continues. "And every man that walks through that door will be compared to you forever more."

"Best Friend" is, in many ways, the pinnacle of MDNA, which Rolling Stonedubbed a "disco-fied divorce record" upon its release in March 2012. To be clear, the album makes no direct reference to Ritchie, but it's obvious he's the inspiration. It's the first album Madonna released following her 2008 separation from the British filmmaker, and dozens of its lyrics explicitly discuss marriage.
"There are lyrics in here about custody and prenups and 'How'd you end up with all my jack?' Did you get a lot off your chest there?" journalist Harry Smith asked Madonna in 2012 about MDNA. Her response? "Yes, I did."
That's certainly an understatement. MDNA is, without a doubt, one of the most poignant divorce albums in contemporary music."

"The DNA of MDNA is catharsis—that's what makes it such a brilliant divorce record. Country albums like Willie Nelson's Phases and Stages croon about heartbreak, yes, but they're one-note. Divorce, however, is an amalgamation of feeling: elation, betrayal, depression, numbness, fury—the list goes on and on. Madonna hits all of those points on MDNA and then some. Truthfully, you'll finish the album with emotional whiplash, but isn't that divorce? Isn't that life? Thankfully, Madonna reached her happy place, and her harrowing journey from darkness to light is something many divorced people can relate to. Who knows? Maybe a few of them even found their salvation exactly where she did: on the dance floor."

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