
sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2020

Madame X Tour: intense cultural cocktail

The Face faz sua review do aclamado show de Madonna, que chegou à Portugal

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"Sailing through a mix of newer tracks and watertight classics like VogueFrozenLike A VirginExpress Yourself and La Isla Bonita, Madonna dips her voice in crisp, crystalline AutoTune and takes it to glass-shattering heights. She stands on top of a piano and sings. She does a handstand on stage. She makes a joke about small dicks” and one about Mozart coming out of her pussy”. There are flamboyant costume changes, a trio of nuns playing strings, appearances by her children, pagan dancers wearing gas masks, gunshots and police violence, glitter, sequins, and more glitter. It’s a pleasingly wild display of Madonna being Madonna."

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